NVivo is the most powerful and intuitive research software for gaining richer insights from diverse data. It’s easy to learn and use, so you can quickly find the insights you need, and boost your research productivity.

What is NVivo ?

The most effective and user-friendly research tool for extracting deeper insights from a variety of data sets is NVivo. You can rapidly locate the insights you require and increase the efficiency of your research thanks to its simplicity of learning and application.

Almost any type of data source, including as text, audio, video, emails, photos, spreadsheets, online surveys, social media, site content, and more, may be imported, organised, and explored with NVivo. You may make strong, logical conclusions by using powerful searches and visualisations to locate links in your data that aren't possible to find manually.

By enhancing NVivo's functionality with cloud-based modules, you can further your study. For example, you can utilise Collaboration Cloud to work on projects with other researchers around the world or NVivo Transcription to automatically translate files verbatim.

Check out Latest NVivo Features


Work Faster

With centralised data storage, you can discover what you need quickly and effortlessly. Start analysing and researching subjects as soon as you begin a project, no matter how big.


Work Easier

“Import,” “analyze,” and “explore” your findings. Simplified ribbon, find features quickly and effortlessly. Create a visual representation based on age, profession, or other factors


Work Together

Regardless of how your collaborative architecture appears, NVivo Collaboration enables you to empower your team for success and provide the greatest results.

NVivo Collaboration

NVivo’s collaboration tools make it easy for teams to share information, knowledge, and ideas.

NVivo Transcription

NVivo’s collaboration tools make it easy for teams to share information, knowledge, and ideas.

License Types

NVivo License

NVivo Customers can choose from a variety of commercial, government, academic, and student licences for both Mac and Windows. Here is a quick list of the different licence types that are offered (for more details, please contact us).

Single License

Volume License

Student License

You may qualify for education pricing if you are a registered charity employee, a teacher, or scholar who studies, teaches, or conducts research at an educational institution such a university or college (including teaching hospitals). QSR software may only be used for instructional, educational, or charitable reasons.

Site Wide License

Government License

The government price is applicable if you work for a not-for-profit organisation that is not a registered charity or if you are a member of a federal, state, or municipal government department or agency that is doing research.

Commercial License

The commercial fee is applicable if you are a member of a for-profit organization conducting research for profit.